Here’s what I don’t get – I don’t get why some girls (and it’s only some…but they’re always girls) feel the need to insert themselves into the show by asking (and in many cases, they don’t even ask) to come up on stage to dance and/or play a tambourine or whatever…and then have the nerve to get pissed when they’re told “no”. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when it’s very cool to have some ladies up to do their thing – depending on the venue, crowd, stage size, song, etc. – but it’s something that we need to kind of gauge on the fly. And, of course, asking is always totally cool…but, if we do say “no”, it’s nothing personal – and we’re not trying to pull some kind of “rock-star trip” or be Dicks or anything like that. The fact is, as most people understand, our job is to entertain the whole crowd…not a single individual and a small group of her friends. I’m really just venting because I know that none of the young ladies that behave in this manner are really even fans of the band (they tend to be fans of themselves mostly…and also quite drunk) and, therefore, will not be reading this – actually, outside of my Wife (Hi Honey!!) and my bass player (Hellooo Whiteman…), I don’t know if anyone actually reads these things – and anyone who is reading this, probably is a fan and, therefore, has never behaved in this manner…and never would. I dunno, maybe Dave’s right…I am getting old.