Well, we made it. Here it is Christmas Eve 2012. Yes, December 21st came and went and the world did not end…again. About the only thing that happened was that our milk went bad in the fridge – I will admit that when I noticed, a few days prior, that it’s expiration date was the 21st, I was half-tempted to head out to the market and see if ALL the products were marked to expire on the 21st…but I never got around to it. Anyway, I like Christmas Eve…I actually like it better than Christmas Day. I’m sure it started when I was a kid with the thought of a jolly old fat guy landing a team of reindeer on my roof and leaving me gifts under the tall tree that occupied a space in our living room…plus my parents always had great parties with family and friends coming over – that part is obvious. But, the whole “Santa thing” was let out of the bag for me at a pretty early age which, at first, was a bit of a downer but, in the end, turned into a sorta cool tradition where me and The Parents would open our gifts by the fire at midnight after all the party guests went home. The Wife and I still carry on the same tradition now…except we’ve become more the party-goers as opposed to the party-throwers (as it applies to Christmas anyway) so the exchanging of gifts by the fire has to wait ’til we get home from spreading yuletide cheer over at our friend’s place. I dunno, there’s just a feeling about December 24…something magical(?) But I don’t believe in magic any more than I believe in “you-know-who”…so I guess I’d describe it as a feeling of anticipation, peace and warmth – I mean, I hate to sound too “Nancy-Boy” about it but…it is what it is. I guess, when it’s all said and done, I’m just describing Christmas Spirit…it just happens to kick-in at it’s strongest for me on Christmas Eve. Oh, and people are really nice to each other on “The Eve”…which is always a good thing. In fact, little more of that for the rest of the year would be most good. Hey, and look at that…I got through a whole Holiday post without making fun of Dave even once!! I must be overcome with peace and warmth.
So This Is Christmas
- Posted: December 24, 2012 by gkbadmin in Journal
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