Been a strange year. Just the fact that I’m writing this on a weekend is odd…I’ve never really had much of an opportunity to do so before. And, honestly, I’ve been feelin’ a bit down lately. 2012 has been, overall, the most successful year in the band’s history…but it’s coming to a close with one of our slowest months ever. To be fair, the sparsity of the December schedule is partly due to some last minute cancellations (including a wedding that would have been taking place this weekend) but, even with that taken into consideration, this would have been a quiet month for DDS. The upside of having some nights off, of course, is that it gives us the opportunity to go out with friends and family on a weekend – maybe even catch another band (which we rarely get to do) – and, with the holiday season in full swing, December is probably the best month to have some “bonus” time-off. The downside is that we miss goofing-off on stage together and hangin’ out with all our fans and friends out there on the road. But, the unusually low number of shows this month is not the major contributing factor to my recent feeling of melancholy…nor is it the fact that I still have Christmas shopping hanging over my head…or the looming “fiscal cliff”…or even the ancient predictions of the end of civilization drawing ever closer. No, none of these are the cause my pensive mood. The problem is that…THERE IS NOTHING TO WATCH ON TV!! The Eagles suck, there’s no hockey, Boardwalk Empire and The Walking Dead are done for the season (although I think The Walking Dead is back in February), and the Sixers are just average without Bynum. There are still one or two more episodes of Homeland but…if I’m honest, it’s kinda startin’ to p*ss me off. If it weren’t for Jon Stewart and MSNBC rerunning the day’s installments of Hardball, The Ed Show, The Rachel Maddow Show, and The Last Word, I’d have nothing to do after The Wife goes to bed! I may need to just bite-the-bullet and circle back to Dexter and Sons Of Anarchy…good shows but, I am SO far behind on both, that I really need to start over with them. I’m open to suggestions.