Happy Post-Christmas-Blues Day!!

Yes, it’s the day after…always a bit of a downer. And the worst part of Christmas is coming up fast…the dismantling of all the decorations :o( We don’t go quite as big on the Christmas decor as we do on the Halloween stuff but we still do pretty well – somewhere between Clark Griswold’s house and Dave Whiteman’s (which I picture to be decorated with nothing more than a holiday doormat laying in his entryway that says something dopey like “Reindeer Crossing” on it…and a cheap plastic Christmas tree adorned with off-white, unflavored, sugarless candy canes standing in his living-room (except you know he probably calls it his Parlor or his Drawing-room)).

True be told, since I handle the preparation of the Wolfe house for Halloween, The Wife is actually in charge of getting our home ready for the big Secular-Christmas celebration we observe each year…which consists, mostly, of the two of us drunk on the couch watching movies On-Demand by the light of our fireplace (and twinkle of our Christmas Tree), with brief, yet inconvenient, interruptions to get some exercise in. Anyway, there are still a few more days off for the both of us and, I guess, the season isn’t officially over until after the New Year so I really shouldn’t get too bummed-out – and hopefully none of the rest of you will either. Besides, before you know it, it’ll be December 2012 and Christmas will be here again :o) Unless the Mayans are right :o(
