There’s an app you can get for your I-phone or I-pad called “Ugly Meter Pro”. It’s gotten a lot of attention recently on The Howard Stern Show (in fact, I think it’s now the #1 app out there) when the creator came in a couple times, tested the entire staff, and got into a huge (and hilarious) argument with Ronnie “The Limo Driver” Mund after Ronnie scored a 0 out of 100 on the meter and completely lost his sh*t on the guy on the air. Well, guess what…we downloaded the app this Saturday and tested the entire band and crew before we went on stage!! Now, before I get into any results, I need to give you some perspective – Brad Pitt scores 91 out of 100, Angelina Jolie scored 89, Howard Stern scored 34, Jay Leno is an 11, and Howard’s wife Beth is a 92. So, with that in mind…here are the scores for Drop Dead Sexy band and crew; 26, 43, 49, 51, 55, 61, 62, and 65 – this is an average of 51.5 and a median of 51 out of 100…about as average as you can get. By comparison, The Howard Stern show cast average (including Ronnie’s 0) was 45.3 with a median of 46 out of a 100. So, although we may not exactly be putting the “sexy” in Drop Dead Sexy, we are, at least, collectively better looking than The Howard Stern Show…for whatever that’s worth. I know, you probably think it’s lame that I didn’t tell you who belongs to each score but…I actually have a better idea. Instead, I’m going to propose a challenge – anyone that can successfully match all band/crew members with their correct score, will receive a drink of their choice on me. Our scores are above and your choices are Scott, Paul, Justin, Ducky, Dave, John, Mick (monitors and lights), and Justin D (front of house sound). I can be approached at any club before the show or between sets to receive your guesses…I’ll even give you 2 chances to get it right!! Good luck.