Scott - Guitars, Vocals
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Fun Facts
  • Currently attending St. Joseph’s University
  • Enjoys working constantly and never having a break
  • Thinks Justin’s guitars are amazing and intends on borrowing them all and only possibly returning them
  • Finds the DDS fanbase in Long Island to be completely awesome
  • Wonders how the band got along for so long without him

Dominick joined the DDS family in 2024 and was immediately responsible for bringing the “sexy” back into Drop Dead Sexy. Dom’s youthful energy brings a great excitement back to the band while single-handedly reducing all our band-oriented insurance premiums…thank you for that, Dom. 🙂 As if all that wasn’t enough, Dom is pretty slammin’ on both keyboard and guitar and should be seen to be believed. While you’re at the show, and recovering from Dom’s sick playing skills, come up and say hi to the man… you’ll never meet a nicer, more down-to-earth guy in your life!